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Winter 2023: Æ Call for Submissions

Members of the Art Education Graduate Student Association are delighted to announce the third volume of the Æ: Graduate Journal of Art Education.

The third issue of the Æ Journal, Wayfinding, reflects on processes of translation and transition in the post-pandemic era of unprecedented environmental and social change. To wayfind as an artist, pedagogue, researcher, or writer is to act as an orienteer– forging pathways towards speculative futures which deviate from the mainstream. Arts practitioners have the unique ability to break down barriers dividing theory and practice, locating novel throughways between the worlds of art and academia. These divergent approaches have the potential to unbind us from predetermined cultural trajectories towards hopeful and chimeric futures.

In volume three of the Æ Journal we invite artists, arts educators and arts-based researchers from the Concordia Fine Arts Graduate community to join in considering how to create inclusive and accessible futures through artistic means. Contributors should consider how themes such as transition, translation, and speculation can act as tools for wayfinding within the context of their community and creative practice.

Submission is due on April 7th, 2023 at midnight.

Find the form and all the information and requirements for submissions on our website:

We are excited to receive your proposals!



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